Many Ghanaians had different reactions to when the coronavirus was first discovered. Even now, when people still are unsure whether to believe the virus is real or not.

Thus to take people behind the scenes of what had ensued prior to and after lockdown, filmmaker Shirley Frimpong-Manso produced her new drama Us In Between.

The movie is inspired by true events leading up to Accra’s lockdown whiles capturing glimpses of what was also happening around the world.

It follows the story of a young nurse who saw how the coronavirus pandemic was affecting the lives of people in affected countries and sought to warn her hospital.

Scenes from Us In Between

Speaking at the private screening of the movie Shirley Frimpong-Manso said she wanted the movie to reflect what the frontline workers had to go through when the virus first hit the country.

Shirley Frimpong-Manso (far right) at the private screening with some cast from the movie
Shirley Frimpong-Manso (far right) at the private screening with some cast from the movie

The movie does not only give insight into what health workers had to do but also how drastically life was affected, she added.

Scenes from Us In Between

From people running away from the lockdown in Accra to having parents quickly pick up their wards from school, Us In Between tells all the story of how the world had to shift to win a battle with a pandemic.

Health workers present at the private screening

The movie stars Lydia Forson, Senanu Gbedawo, Nikki Simonas, Adjetey Annang, David Dontoh, Gloria Sarfo, Oscar Provencal and others.

Shirley Frimpong Manso said that she is hoping every Ghanaian get to see this movie and be more informed and armed when it comes to the virus.

Us In Between was shot with all health protocols and measures in place, she added.

Source: JoyOnline

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